Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Stretching the Postal Limits

Lately I have been really stretching the limits of the USPS. And they are freakin' amazing!!!!

Here is a cactus I sent to Nicole in MA:


Pretty exciting stuff. Nicole emailed me the After picture. Looks pretty good! So I sent one to England. :D Although, as far as I know, that hasn't arrived yet.

Then, I was inspired by this amazing article in which a woman in England tested the Royal mail system by disguising her address in various ways. So I thought I'd try it out..

And I sent this crossword puzzle:

I just have to make it huge so you can see it. ^-^ I sent this to my friend across town and IT MADE IT!!!!! I have an infinitely deeper respect for postal workers now. And it only took a week longer than regular post. (which was pretty good as I'd entertained the idea of it never arriving..) There was only one clue that he/she didn't get and it was an obscure one. =D

USPS, I love you!!!

note: I'm making separate posts for all the other mail. Just easier that way.

1 comment:

  1. A friend? It's not that hard to figure out, just from the first clue. =) Haha, but that's cool!


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